Bolder Applications presents #1Selfie, the hottest new worldwide selfie-sharing app! • #1Selfie allows you to share your selfies with the world without having to worry about negative comments, bullying and body shaming.
• With #1Selfie, you can exceed the limits of your network and share your selfies confidently with the entire online community.
• Selfies are displayed in the order of likes, adding a competitive element to make #1Selfie a fun and addictive app. Selfies can be liked more than once; a user can like each selfie every day of the week.
• The current top three (3) selfies are displayed prominently on the app and the top 3 selfies for each week are archived. All other selfies posted for the week are wiped from the server.
• A weekly countdown is displayed prominently on the app and the countdown starts over every Monday morning at approximately 12:01 AM EST.
• #1Selfie users receive notifications alerting them of the number of likes their selfies have received.
• #1Selfie recognizes the top five (5) “Posters of the Day” in a notification sent to all #1Selfie users.
• #1 Selfie allows for users to create their own competitions or #1Selfie groups/categories by utilizing the “Search by #hashtag” feature. The #hashtag search results are displayed separately and these selfies are ranked by the number of likes. This is a great feature for events, schools, clubs, marketers, fundraising, companies, etc.
• The app’s intuitive contact functionality allows you to communicate with other posters or allows you to be contacted if users select the “Allow users to contact” option.
• So…#Loveyourselfie and download this bully-proof, worldwide, selfie sharing app for free today! Get #1Selfie; it’s where your “likes” matter!